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THC lang niet de enige werkzame stof is in cannabis? Of dat er naast consumeren nog heel veel andere wijzen zijn waarop cannabis gebruikt wordt? Dat er naast roken ook andere (vaak gezondere) manieren zijn om cannabis te consumeren? The Grass Company vindt het belangrijk dat vragen nooit onbeantwoord blijven. Zodoende hebben we op deze pagina’s een aantal informerende overzichten geplaatst, zodat je weer net wat beter op de hoogte bent van alles. Mochten er desondanks onduidelijkheden blijven bestaan, schroom dan niet om één van onze medewerkers aan de mouw te trekken. We staan u maar al te graag te woord.

Hemp became increasingly common in Europe in the late Middle Ages. In many countries, its cultivation was even encouraged by the government for its many purposes. Thanks to the explorers, hemp became also known in the colonies of the New World. President Thomas Jefferson was a strong supporter of hemp production. The first two trial[...]

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When you consume cannabis for the very first time, it can be an intense experience, especially when you try a strain that’s too strong for you. When people offer you a joint, most of the time you don’t have any clue what’s inside and how much you should take. So it’s absolutely necessary that first-time[...]

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It started in Asia from 8.000 - 2.500 B.C. Man's relationship with the cannabis plant is thousands of years old. Originally from Central Asia and northern India, there is evidence that the hemp plant has been cultivated and used by humans very early. In an archaeological site in Japan, cannabis seeds dating from about 8.000[...]

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Why you occasionally need a tolerance break The results of a recent online survey conducted by the Trimbos Institute show that more than 2 out of 5 cannabis users started smoking more during the corona crisis. For most people, using more often means not smoking on more days, but more joints per day. One of[...]

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