
Dynavap | how does it work?

The time has come, you’ve purchased your own VapCap. But now what? In this article we explain step by step how you can get the best out of your VapCap!

How does a VapCap work?

  • Remove the cap from your VapCap.
  • Fill the chamber with cannabis. This can be done easily by pushing and twisting the VapCap into a container of cannabis. You don’t necessarily have to grind your cannabis beforehand, if you do want to do this, grind it coarse. Do not grind it too fine, otherwise it will fall through the diffuser disc into the device and then you have a chance that your VapCap will no longer work optimally!
  • Put the cap back on the VapCap.
  • Heat the metal cap of your VapCap while rotating it, with the flame or heat source applied in the center of the metal cap. Hold the VapCap at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Try to apply heat only to the side of the cap and NOT the tip. This is not the same as lighting up a joint.
  • Keep rotating and heating the cap until you hear and/or feel a click – this means the VapCap is ready to use!
  • Take a hit through the mouthpiece. Experiment a bit with the air hole here.
  • Keep taking hits as desired until you hear the click again. This click indicates that your VapCap has cooled down again.
  • When the vapor decreases, it’s easy to reactivate.
    • Make sure the VapCap has re-clicked ‘cool down’ again before heating it up for the next cycle.
    • If you’re not sure if it clicked again, gently blow on the end to cool it down. The reset can take up to 1 minute.
  • When there is no more vapor produced, and the cap has clicked ‘cool down’, remove the cap.
  • The used material can be blown out at the end, or use the tang on the cap to scoop out the material.
  • Reload for another round of simple and delicious vape.


  • It’s recommended to use a butane lighter with your VapCap.
  • Wait until you hear or feel the cool click or wait at least 30 seconds after the VapCap stops producing vapor to heat it up again.
  • It’s VERY important to wait until you hear the cool click befor applying more heat.
  • Stop heating your VapCap as soon as you hear the click, until you get to know your device better.
  • You can adjust the intensity of the flavor by using the air hole.
  • Depending on your personal preference and heat source, you may want to apply some more heat 1-2 seconds after the click. This provides a different taste experience.
  • Do not apply the heat for more than 3 seconds after the click! Overheating can permanently damage the VapCap!
  • The tip of the VapCap gets very hot during and following use. Do not touch the hot end until it has cooled down. Also, don’t put the hot end in your mouth.
  • When you grind your cannabis, you can get the cannabis into the filling chamber using the “straw method”.

Do you need more information about DynaVap’s products after reading this article? They have several videos on DynaVap’s YouTube channel that explain how you can use their products optimally. Our staff has had a course from DynaVap so you can contact them at any time with questions!

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