De chill-outs van deze week zijn Saoto soep, bloemkoolcouscous en gegrilde kipfilet met dragonpesto.

Food week 8, 2018 The Grass Company Spoorlaan

In this article we give an overview of the different weekly dishes that the Grass Company Spoorlaan has for week 8, 2018.

Chill-Out Soup
Surinamese Saoto soup with crispy chicken, bean sprouts, egg, rice, noodles, crispy onions and madame-jeanette peppers.

Chill-Out Foods
Grilled chicken fillet filled with tarragonpesto, a cream of celeriac abbey cheese, hazelnut-chimichurricrumble and spicy potato wedges.

Vega Chill-Out
Flower couscous with fried feta.

Click on this link to view last week’s dishes.

These weekly dishes are available from The Grass Company Spoorlaan until Wednesday 21 February 2018. Reservations are not mandatory, but are recommended if you want to guarantee your place.

Call: 013-5821420 and place your reservation today.

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