Elke maand andere specialiteiten op de kaart van The Grass Company Piusstraat. Klik op deze link voor meer informatie over de gerechten augustus 2018.

Monthly food The Grass Company Piusstraat augustus '18

In this overview we present the dishes of the month at The Grass Company Piusstraat for August 2018.

Lunch of the month
Chicken frikandel roll, white / brown sandwich. Served with mayonnaise, curry sauce & a small salad. €6

Snack of the month
Chicken balls, 8 bitter chicken balls, served with chili sauce. €6,50

Action cocktail
Arno’s Apple Special, a freshly sweetened mocktail of apple juice, kiwis syrup, slush & strawberry puree. €3,-

These dishes are available the whole month of August 2018 from The Grass Company Piusstraat. Click on this link for the dishes of the month July in 2018.

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